Santa Claus is coming to town and it's not like anything you've seen before! The man in red is going to land in a helicopter! Don't miss the annual Santa Fly-In at the Tulsa Air & Space Museum! Be sure and arrive early as Santa will land at 11:00am. Fun for the whole family! See […]
Visit the Tulsa Air & Space Museum for a special family movie night screening of The Polar Express in the James E. Bertelsmeyer Planetarium on Saturday, December 18th! Enjoy a night sky tour, screening of Polar Express screening, and once the movie concludes join us for a night tour of the grand Exhibit Hall with […]
Got a New Telescope? (Or an old one gathering dust) Want some help learning to use it? Bring your telescope and let us help you! The Astronomy Club of Tulsa and Tulsa Air and Space Museum are hosting a Telescope Workshop. When Saturday FEB 19, 2022 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM Where Tulsa Air […]
Don't miss Mars Attacks! in the James E. Bertelsmeyer planetarium! In celebration of Mars Month at the museum, there's no better film to see. Directed by Tim Burton, and a film that has become a cult classic at it's finest, you won't want to miss this special screening. Bring a friend! Spread the word! Doors […]
Visit the Tulsa Air & Space Museum on March 19th for the annual STANG THANG! A car show featuring mustangs, airplanes, museum, food trucks, festivities & more! Vote for your favorite Mustang! See the iconic P-51 airplane in person. Visit the museum, catch a planetarium show, stop by the food trucks, it's an all around […]
A unique painting event! The event starts with a planetarium show entitled Destination Mars! Get inspired and then head into the planetarium exhibit room for the painting event. Lead by Route 66 Artisans on Main, your painting will be '16x20' and image examples can be found in the event banner. An additional option to paint […]